IGNOU से कुल कितने Course कर सकते हैं ?

IGNOU Courses

IGNOU का फुल फॉर्म इंदिरा गाँधी राष्ट्रीय मुक्त विश्वविद्यालय (Indira Gandhi National Open University) है। ये भारत की सबसे बड़ी ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी है। ये एक सेंट्रल गवर्नमेंट (केंद्र सरकार) द्वारा संचालित यूनिवर्सिटी है। इस यूनिवर्सिटी से आप बैचलर , मास्टर , डिप्लोमा, पोस्टग्रेजुएट डिप्लोमा, पीएचडी , एम फिल (2022 -23 सत्र से इस कोर्स को नयी शिक्षा नीति के तहत हटा दिया गया है।) की डिग्री ले सकते हो। इन सब कोर्सेस के अलावा इस यूनिवर्सिटी में कुछ सर्टिफिकेट कोर्सेस भी उपलब्ध हैं। तो कुल मिलकर आप IGNOU से 7 (M.Phil. हटने के बाद से 6 ) तरह की डिग्री ले सकते हैं। इन सभी कोर्सेस को आप किन-किन विषयों से कर सकते हो उसकी डिटेल कोर्स वाइज निचे लिस्ट में दी गयी है। अगर आप IGNOU से कोई भी कोर्स करना चाहते हैं और आप उसके लिए एलिजिबल हैं तो आप निचे दी गयी लिस्ट से कोई भी विषय चुन सकते हैं।

Course Total Subjects
Under Graduation 25
Post Graduation 53
Diploma 22
PG Diploma 54
Ph.D. 43
Certificate 96
M.Phil. 9

1. Bachelor Degree Courses (Under Graduation) :

Minimum Educational Qualification:

IGNOU से बैचलर डिग्री करने के लिए कम से कम 12वीं या 12वीं के बराबर(ITI, Polytechnic etc.) की क्लास पास करना जरुरी है।

  1. BAECH : Bachelor of Arts (hons) Economics
  2. BAEGH : Bachelor of Arts (hons) English
  3. BAG : Bachelor of Arts*
  4. BAHDH : Bachelor of Arts (hons) Hindi
  5. BAHIH : Bachelor of Arts (hons) History
  6. BAPAH : Bachelor of Arts (hons) Public Administration
  7. BAPCH : Bachelor of Arts (hons) Psychology
  8. BAPFHMH : Bachelor of Arts (Performing Arts) Hindustani Music Hons
  9. BAPSH : Bachelor of Arts (hons) Political Science
  10. BASKH : Bachelor of Arts (hons) Sanskrit
  11. BASOH : Bachelor of Arts (hons) Sociology
  12. BAUDH : Bachelor of Arts (hons) Urdu
  13. BAVMSME : Bachelor of Arts (Vocational Studies) Micro Small and Medium Enterprises
  14. BAVTM : Bachelor of Arts (Vocational Studies) Tourism Management
  15. BBARIL : Bachelor of Business Administration (Retailing)
  16. BCA : Bachelor of Computer Application
  17. BCOMAF : Bachelor of Commerce Accounts and Finance
  18. BCOMCAA : Bachelor of Commerce Corporate Affairs and Administration
  19. BCOMG : Bachelor of Commerce
  20. BLIS : Bachelor of Librery and Information Science
  21. BSCANH : Bachelor of Science (hons) Anthropology
  22. BSCBCH : Bachelor of Science (hons) BioChemistry
  23. BSCG : Bachelor of Science**
  24. BSWG : Bachelor of Social Works
  25. BTS : Bachelor of Arts in Tourism Studies
  26. * अगर आप IGNOU से बैचलर डिग्री में BAG कोर्स करते हैं तो इसमें आपको 14 विषयों में से 2 विषय चुनने होते हैं। ये 14 विषय 5 ग्रुप में बँटे होते हैं। पहले और तीसरे ग्रुप में 4 - 4 विषय होते हैं और बचे हुए तीन ग्रुप्स में 2-2 विषय होते हैं। आप एक ग्रुप से एक ही विषय चुन सकते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए - आप अगर ग्रुप 1 से हिंदी चुनते है तो आप दूसरा विषय इंग्लिश, उर्दू या संस्कृत नहीं ले सकते हैं। दूसरा विषय आप किसी दूसरे ग्रुप से चुन सकते हैं। सभी विषयों की लिस्ट ग्रुप के साथ नीचे दी गयी है -

    Subject Subject Subject Subject
    Group 1 Hindi English Urdu Sanskrit
    Group 2 Sociology Education
    Group 3 Political Science Public Administration Philosophy Mathematics
    Group 4 Economics Anthropology
    Group 5 History Psychology

    ** इसी तरह अगर आप IGNOU से बैचलर डिग्री में BSCG कोर्स करते हैं तो इसमें आपको 7 विषयों में से 3 विषय चुनने होते हैं। ये 7 विषय 5 ग्रुप में बँटे होते हैं। Group 3 और Group 4 में 2 - 2 विषय होते हैं और बचे हुए तीन ग्रुप्स में 1-1 विषय होता है। इसमें भी आप एक ग्रुप से एक ही विषय चुन सकते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए अगर आप Group 3 से Mathematics चुनते हैं तो आप दूसरा विषय Botony नहीं ले सकते हैं। सभी विषयों की लिस्ट ग्रुप के साथ नीचे दी गयी है -

    Subject Subject
    Group 1 Physics
    Group 2 Chemistry
    Group 3 Mathematics Botony
    Group 4 Zoology Geography
    Group 5 Geology

2. Master Degree Courses (Post Graduation) :

Minimum Educational Qualification:

IGNOU से मास्टर डिग्री करने के लिए अंडर ग्रेजुएशन (बैचलर डिग्री B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.Tech.)पास करना जरुरी है।

  1. MAAE : Master of Arts (Adult Education)
  2. MAAN : Master of Arts (Anthropology)
  3. MAARB : Master of Arts (Arabic)
  4. MACSR : Master of Arts (Corporate Social Responsibility)
  5. MADE : Master of Arts (Distance Education)
  6. MADP : Master of Arts (Drawing And Painting)
  7. MADVS : Master of Arts (Development Studies)
  8. MAEDU : Master of Arts (Education)
  9. MAEOH : Master of Arts (Environmental And Occupational Health )
  10. MAER : Master of Arts (Entrepreneurship)
  11. MAFCS : Master of Arts (Folklore And Culture Studies)
  12. MAGD : Master of Arts (Gender And Development Studies)
  13. MAH : Master of Arts (History)
  14. MAHV : Master of Arts (Hindi Vyavsayik Lekhan)
  15. MAJMC : Master of Arts (Journalism & Mass Communication)
  16. MAJY : Master of Arts (Jyotish)
  17. MAPC : Master of Arts (Psychology)
  18. MAPY : Master of Arts (Philosophy)
  19. MARD : Master of Arts (Rural Development)
  20. MASS : Master of Arts (Sustainability Science)
  21. MATS : Master of Arts (Translation Studies)
  22. MAUD : Master of Arts (Urdu)
  23. MAUS : Master of Arts (Urban Studies)
  24. MAVS : Master of Arts (Vedic Studies)
  25. MAWGS : Master of Marts (Women And Gender Studies)
  26. MBA : Master of Business Administration
  27. MBAFM : Master of Business Administration (Financial Management)
  28. MBAHM : Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management)
  29. MBAMM : Master of Business Administration (Marketing Management)
  30. MBAOM : Master of Business Administration (Operations Management)
  31. MBF : Master of Business Administration (Banking And Finance)
  32. MCA_NEW : Master of Computer Applications
  33. MCOM : Master of Commerce
  34. MCOMBPCG : Master of Commerce In Business Policy And Corporate Governance
  35. MCOMFT : Master of Commerce (Finance And Taxation)
  36. MEC : Master of Arts (Economics)
  37. MEG : Master of Arts (English)
  38. MGPS : Master of Arts (Gandhi And Peace Studies)
  39. MHD : Master of Arts (Hindi)
  40. MLIS : Master of Library And Information Science
  41. MPA : Master of Arts (Public Administration)
  42. MPS : Master of Arts (Political Science)
  43. MSCCFT : Master of Science (Counseling And Family Therapy)
  44. MSCDFSM : Master of Science (Food Nutrition)
  45. MSCENV : Master of Science (Environmental Science)
  46. MSCFSQM: Master of Science (Food Safety And Quality Management)
  47. MSCIS : Master of Science (Information Security)
  48. MSCRWEE : Master of Science (Renewable Energy And Environment)
  49. MSK : Master of Arts (Sanskrit)
  50. MSO : Master of Arts (Sociology)
  51. MSW : Master of Social Work
  52. MSWC : Master of Social Work (Counselling)
  53. MTTM : Master of Tourism And Travel Management

3. Diploma Courses :

Minimum Educational Qualification:

IGNOU से Diploma करने के लिए कम से कम 12वीं या 12वीं के बराबर(ITI, Polytechnic etc.) की क्लास पास करना जरुरी है।

  1. DAFE : Diploma in HIV and Family Education
  2. DAQ : Diploma in Aquaculture
  3. DBPOFA : Diploma in Business Process Outsourcing Finance and Accounting
  4. DCE : Diploma in Creative Writing in English
  5. DDT : Diploma in Dairy Technology
  6. DECE : Diploma in Early Child Care and Education
  7. DEVMT : Diploma in Event Management
  8. DHORT : Diploma in Horticulture
  9. DIPP : Diploma in Paralegel Practice
  10. DIRIL : Diploma (Retailing)
  11. DMOP : Diploma in Modern Office Practice
  12. DMT : Diploma in Meat Technology
  13. DNHE : Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education
  14. DPLAD : Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration and Development
  15. DPVE : Diploma in Value Education
  16. DSCDM : Diploma in Smart City Development and Management
  17. DTH : Diploma in Theatre Arts
  18. DTS : Diploma in Tourism Studies
  19. DUL : Diploma in Urdu Language
  20. DVAPFV : Diploma Programme in Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables
  21. DWED : Diploma in Women Empowerment and Development
  22. DWM : Diploma in Water Management

4. Post Graduate Diploma Courses :

Minimum Educational Qualification:

IGNOU से Post Graduate Diploma करने के लिए अंडर ग्रेजुएशन (बैचलर डिग्री B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.Tech.)पास करना जरुरी है।

  1. PGDAB : Post Graduate Diploma ( Agribusiness)
  2. PGDAC : Post Graduate Diploma In Analytical Chemistry
  3. PGDAE : Post Graduate Diploma In Adult Education
  4. PGDAML : Post Graduate Diploma ( American Literature)
  5. PGDAPP : Post Graduate Diploma In Audio Programme Production
  6. PGDAST : Post Graduate Diploma In Applied Statistics
  7. PGDAW : Post Graduate Diploma In Animal Welfare
  8. PGDBLT : Post Graduate Diploma ( British Literature)
  9. PGDDP : Post Graduate Diploma In Book Publishing
  10. PGDCA_NEW : Post Graduate Diploma ( Computer Applications)
  11. PGDCFT : Post Graduate Diploma In Counselling And Family Therapy
  12. PGDCJ : Post Graduate Diploma ( Criminal Justice)
  13. PGDCOUN : Post Graduate Diploma ( Social Work Counselling)
  14. PGDCSR : Post Graduate Diploma In Corporate Social Responsibility
  15. PGDDC : Post Graduate Diploma ( Development Communication)
  16. PGDDM : Post Graduate Diploma In Disaster Management
  17. PGDDVS : Post Graduate Diploma In Development Studies
  18. PGDEMA : Post Graduate Dip In Educational Mgmt. & Administration
  19. PGDEME : Post Graduate Diploma ( Electronic Media)
  20. PGDEOH : Post Graduate Diploma In Environmental And Occupational Health
  21. PGDESD : Post Graduate Diploma In Environ- Mental And Sustainable Development
  22. PGDET : Post Graduate Diploma In Educational Technology
  23. PGDFCS : Post Graduate Diploma in Folklore And Culture Studies
  24. PGDFM : Post Graduate Diploma ( Financial Management)
  25. PGDFSOM : Post Graduate Diploma ( Food Safety & Quality Management)
  26. PGDGPS : Pg Diploma In Gandhi & Peace Studies
  27. PGDHE : Post Graduate Diploma In Higher Education
  28. PGDHO : Post Graduate Diploma ( Hotel Operations)
  29. PGDHRM : Post Graduate Diploma ( Human Resource Management)
  30. PGDIDO : Post Graduate Diploma In International Business Operation
  31. PGDIDM : Post Graduate Diploma ( Digital Media)
  32. PGDINDS : Post Graduate Diploma ( Industrial Safety)
  33. PGDIPR : Post Graduate Diploma In Intellectual Property Rights
  34. PGDIS : Post Graduate Diploma In Information Security
  35. PGDLAN : Post Graduate Diploma In Library Automation And Networking
  36. PGDMH : Post Graduate Diploma In Mental Health
  37. PGDMIDI : Post Graduate Diploma ( Migration And Diaspora)
  38. PGDMM : Post Graduate Diploma ( Marketing Management)
  39. PGDNLEG : Post Graduate Diploma(new Literature In English)
  40. PGDNOV : Post Graduate Diploma In The Novel
  41. PGDOM : Post Graduate Diploma ( Operations Management)
  42. PGDPPED : Post Graduate Diploma In Pre Primary Education
  43. PGDPSM : Post Graduate Diploma In Pharmaceutical Sales Mgmt
  44. PGDRD : Post Graduate Diploma In Rural Development
  45. PGDSHST : Post Graduate Diploma ( Sindhi-Hindi-Sindhi Translation)
  46. PGDSLM : Post Graduate Diploma In School Leadership And Management
  47. PGDSS : Post Graduate Diploma In Sustainability Science
  48. PGDT : Post Graduate Diploma In Translation
  49. PGDUPOL : Post Graduate Diploma In Urban Planning And Development
  50. PGDVS : Post Graduate Diploma ( Vastushastra)
  51. PGDWGS : Post Graduate Diploma In Women & Gender Studies
  52. PGDWI : Post Graduate Diploma ( Writings From India)
  53. PGDWM : Post Graduate Diploma ( Writings From The Margins)
  54. PGJMC : Post Graduate Diploma ( Journalism & Mass Communication)

5. Ph.D(Doctor of Philosophy) Courses :

Minimum Educational Qualification:

IGNOU से Ph.D करने के लिए Post Graduation (मास्टर डिग्री M.A./M.Sc./M.Com./M.Tech.)पास करना जरुरी है।

  1. PHDDR : Doctor of Philosophy in Dairy Science and Technology
  2. PHDAN : Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology
  3. PHDBC : Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry
  4. PHDCHE : Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
  5. PHDCOM : Doctor of Philosophy in Commerce
  6. PHDCS : Doctor of Philosophy Computer Science
  7. PHDEC : Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
  8. PHDENG : Doctor of Philosophy in English
  9. PHDDV : Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies
  10. PHDFN : Doctor of Philosophy in Food & Nutrition
  11. PHDGD : Doctor of Philosophy in Gender and Development Studies
  12. PHDWS : Doctor of Philosophy in Women’s Studies
  13. PHDGEOG : Doctor of Philosophy in Geography
  14. PHDHIN : Doctor of Philosophy in Hindi
  15. PHDHIS : Doctor of Philosophy in History
  16. PHDEV : Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science
  17. PHDITS : Doctor of Philosophy in Inter-disciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Studies
  18. PHDJMC : Doctor of Philosophy in Journalism & Mass Communication
  19. PHDLIS : Doctor of Philosophy in Library & Information Science
  20. PHDMGMT : Doctor of Philosophy in Management
  21. PHDMT : Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics
  22. PHDNS : Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing
  23. PHDPVA : Doctor of Philosophy in Performing and Visual Arts with specialization in Fine Arts, Theatre Arts and Music
  24. PHDLE : Doctor of Philosophy in Law
  25. PHDLS : Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences
  26. PHDPH : Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
  27. PHDPS : Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science
  28. PHDES : Doctor of Philosophy in Education
  29. PHDPC : Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology
  30. PHDPA : Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration
  31. PHDRD : Doctor of Philosophy in Rural Development
  32. PHDSK : Doctor of Philosophy in Sanskrit
  33. PHDAL : Doctor of Philosophy in Arabic
  34. PHDFL : Doctor of Philosophy in French
  35. PHDGY : Doctor of Philosophy in Geology
  36. PHDSW : Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work
  37. PHDSOC : Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology
  38. PHDDE : Doctor of Philosophy in Distance Education
  39. PHDSTAT : Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics
  40. PHDTS : Doctor of Philosophy in Tourism and Hospitality
  41. PHDTT : Doctor of Philosophy in Translation Studies
  42. PHDUL : Doctor of Philosophy in Urdu
  43. PHDVET : Doctor of Philosophy in Vocational Education

6. Certificate Courses :

Minimum Educational Qualification:

IGNOU में Certificate Courses करने के लिए शैक्षणिक योग्यता (Educational Qualification) अलग - अलग विषयों के लिए अलग-अलग है।

  1. ACE : Appreciation Course on Environment***
  2. ACISE : Advance Certificate in Information Security
  3. ACPDM : Advanced Certificate in Power Distribution Management
  4. ACPSD : Appreciation Course on Population And Sustainable Development
  5. APDF : Awareness Programme on Dairy Farming***
  6. CAFE : Certificate(HIV And Family Education)
  7. CAHC Certificate(adolescent Health And Counseling)
  8. CAHT : Certificate in Anti-human Trafficking
  9. CAL : Certificate(Arabic Language)
  10. CAPMER : Certificate(Apparel Merchandising)
  11. CBS : Certificate in Business Skills
  12. CCITSK : Certificate in Communication & It Skills
  13. CCLBL : Certificate(Co-operative Law & Business Laws)
  14. CCOMO : Certificate(Condition Monitoring)
  15. CCP : Certificate in Consumer Protection
  16. CCPD : Certificate Of Competency in Power Distribution (Electrical Technicians)
  17. CCR : Certificate in Community Radio
  18. CDM : Certificate in Disaster Management
  19. CES : Certificate in Environmental Studies
  20. CETM : Certificate in Energy Technology And Management
  21. CFAID : Certificate in First Aid
  22. CFBO : Certificate(food & Beverage Service Operations)
  23. CFDE : Certificate in Fashion Design
  24. CFE: Certificate in Functional English
  25. CFL: Certificate in French Language
  26. CFN : Certificate in Food And Nutrition
  27. CFO : Certificate(Front Office Operations)
  28. CGAS : Certificate(gender, Agriculture And Sustainable Development)
  29. GCA: Certificate in Geriatric Care Assistance
  30. GBA : Certificate in General Duty Assistance
  31. CGL : Certificate in German Language
  32. CGSCI : Certificate(gender Science)
  33. CGSL : Certificate(gender in Law)
  34. CHBHC: Certificate in Home Based Health Care
  35. CHCWM : Certificate in Health Care Waste Management
  36. CHHA: Certificate in Home Health Assistance
  37. CHO : Certificate(housekeeping Operations)
  38. CHR : Certificate in Human Rights
  39. CIB : Certificate in Beekeeping
  40. CIG : Certificate in Guidance
  41. CIHL : Certificate in International Humanitarian Law
  42. CIS : Certificate in Sericulture
  43. CIT : Certificate in Information Technology
  44. CJL : Certificate in Japanese Language
  45. CKLC : Certificate in Korean Language & Culture
  46. CLIS : Certificate in Library And Information Science
  47. CLTA : Certificate Pros. on Life And Thought Of Dr. Br Ambedkar
  48. CMAD : Certificate in Mobile Application Development
  49. CMCHN: Certificate in Maternal And Child Health Nursing
  50. CNCC : Certificate In Nutrition And Child Care
  51. CNIN : Certificate Program in Newborn And Infant Nursing
  52. CNM : Certificate Program in NGO Management
  53. COF : Certificate in Organic Farming
  54. CPABN : Certificate in Performing Arts Bharatnatyam
  55. CPAHM : Certificate in Performing Arts Hindustani Music
  56. CPAKM : Certificate in Performing Arts Karnataka Music
  57. CPATHA : Certificate(Theatre Arts)
  58. CPEL : Certificate in Persian Language
  59. CPF : Certificate in Poultry Farming
  60. CPHA : Certificate in Phlebotomy Assistance
  61. CPLT : Certificate Programme in Laboratory Techniques
  62. CPSCM : Certificate(peace Studies And Conflict Management)
  63. CPVE: Certificate Programme in Value Education
  64. CPY : Certificate Programme in Yoga
  65. CRCS : Coursewise Registration And Certification Scheme
  66. CRD : Certificate in Rural Development
  67. CRUL : Certificate in Russian Language
  68. CSCDM : Certificate(Smart City Development And Management)
  69. CSLC : Certificate in Spanish Language & Culture
  70. CSWATT : Certificate in Solid Waste Treatment Techniques
  71. CSWCJS : Certificate(Social Work And Criminal Justice System)
  72. CSWM : Certificate in Solid Waste Management
  73. CTE : Certificate in Teaching Of English as A Second Language
  74. CTPM : Certificate in Teaching Of Primary School Mathematics
  75. CTRBS : Certificate in Tribals Studies
  76. CTS : Certificate in Tourism Studies
  77. CUL : Certificate in Urdu Language
  78. CVAA : Certificate in Visual Arts-applied Arts
  79. CVAP : Certificate in Visual Arts Painting
  80. CVG : Certificate(Vedic Ganit)
  81. CWHM : Certificate in Water Harvesting And Management
  82. PGCAE: PG Certificate in Adult Education
  83. PGCAP : Post Graduate Certificate in Agriculture Policy
  84. PGCAR : PG Certificate(Anuvaad Evam Rupantaran)
  85. PGCBHT : PG Certificate in Bangla Hindi Translation Programme
  86. PGCCC : Post Graduate Certificate in Climate Change
  87. PGCCL : PG Certificate in Cyber Law
  88. PGCGI: Post Graduate Certificate in Geoinformatics
  89. PGCGPS : PG Certificate in Gandhi And Peace Studies
  90. PGCIATIVI : Post Graduate Certificate in Information And Assistive Technologies For The Instructors Of Visually Impaired
  91. PGCINDS : Post Graduate Certificate in Industrial Safety
  92. PGCIPWS : Post Graduate Certificate in Inventory Planning And Warehousing System For Engineers
  93. PGCMHT : Post Graduate Certificate in Malayalam-Hindi Translation
  94. PGCPP : PG Certificate in Patent Practice
  95. SSB : Certificate(communicative Sanskrit)
  96. CMSR : Certificate in Motor Cycle Service and Repair (Under IGNOU-GYUNA Project only)***
  97. Note: *** Non Credit Programmes:
    Non-Credit Course सिर्फ आपके सीखने के लिए होते हैं। IGNOU में 3 Non-Credit Courses हैं, जिन्हे करने पर आपको कोई क्रेडिट नहीं मिलेगा लेकिन आपको सीखने को जरूर मिलेगा।

7. Master of Philosophy Courses :

Note: नयी शिक्षा नीति के लागू होने के बाद से सभी विश्वविद्यालयों से Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) Course को वर्ष 2022 - 23 के सत्र से हटा दिया गया है।

  1. MPHILCHEM : Master of Philosophy in Chemistry
  2. MPHILCOM : Master of Philosophy in Commerce
  3. MPHILEC : Master of Philosophy in Economics
  4. MPHILGEOG : Master of Philosophy in Geography
  5. MPHILTH : Master of Philosophy in Theatre Arts
  6. MPHILPS : Master of Philosophy in Political Science
  7. MPHILSO : Master of Philosophy in Sociology
  8. MPHILSW : Master of Philosophy in Social Work
  9. MPHILDE : Master of Philosophy in Distance Education

तो IGNOU में कुल मिलकर 302 Course (M.Phil के हटने के बाद से 293 Course) हैं। इस पोस्ट से जुड़ा हुआ अगर आपका कोई प्रश्न है तो नीचे Comment में जरूर बताएं।

अगर आपको IGNOU से जुड़ी हुई और जानकारी चाहते हैं तो आप इस वेबसाइट पर लगातार विजिट कर सकते हैं।

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